Special Paye Agreement

A Special PAYE Agreement: What It Is and How It Works

As an employer, you might have heard of a Special PAYE Agreement and wondered what it means or if it’s something you should consider for your business. In this article, we’ll explain what a Special PAYE Agreement is, how it works, and the benefits it can bring to your company.

What is a Special PAYE Agreement?

A Special PAYE Agreement, also known as a SPA, is an agreement between an employer and the Irish Revenue Commissioners that allows the employer to withhold tax from an employee’s income at a reduced rate. In essence, it’s an agreement that sets out a specific tax rate that applies to certain types of income.

SPAs are typically used for employees who have a significant amount of non-Irish earnings, such as foreign directors or expatriates. They’re also used for employees who have a complex income structure, such as those who receive bonuses or other additional benefits on top of their regular salary.

How does a SPA work?

To set up a SPA, an employer must submit an application to the Revenue Commissioners outlining the details of the agreement. This application must include information such as the employee’s income, their tax residency status, and any other relevant details that impact their tax liability.

If the application is approved, the employer will be given a specific tax rate to apply to the employee’s income. This rate will be lower than the standard rate of tax and will be based on the employee’s specific circumstances.

Once the SPA is in place, the employer will be required to deduct tax from the employee’s income at the agreed rate. This will be done through the PAYE system, as with regular tax deductions.

What are the benefits of a SPA?

The main benefit of a SPA is that it can reduce the tax liability of employees who have complex income structures or significant non-Irish earnings. By applying a lower tax rate, employees can see a significant reduction in the amount of tax they’re required to pay.

This can make it easier for employers to attract and retain top talent, particularly for positions that require specialized skills or experience. It can also help to reduce the administrative burden associated with managing tax for complex income structures.

In addition, SPAs can help to simplify the tax system for employees, reducing the risk of errors or misunderstandings that can lead to tax issues down the line.


If you have employees with complex income structures or significant non-Irish earnings, a Special PAYE Agreement may be worth considering. By applying a lower tax rate, you can reduce the tax liability of your employees and simplify the tax system for everyone involved.

To set up a SPA, you’ll need to submit an application to the Revenue Commissioners outlining the details of the agreement. Once approved, you can start deducting tax from your employees’ income at the agreed rate.

Overall, a SPA can bring significant benefits to both employers and employees, making it a useful tool to have in your tax management toolkit.