Ontario Nursing Collective Agreement

The Ontario Nursing Collective Agreement: A Comprehensive Guide

Nursing is a vital profession that plays a crucial role in maintaining the health and wellbeing of individuals and communities. In Ontario, nurses have been working tirelessly to ensure that patients receive the care they need, especially during these challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the key factors that enable nurses to work effectively and efficiently is the Ontario Nursing Collective Agreement (ONCA).

What is the ONCA?

The ONCA is a legally binding agreement between nurses and their employers that governs their working conditions, pay scales, benefits, and other terms of employment. The agreement is negotiated between the Ontario Nurses` Association (ONA) and the hospitals, long-term care facilities, and other healthcare organizations that employ nurses.

Why is the ONCA important?

The ONCA is essential to ensure that nurses are treated fairly and can provide high-quality care to their patients. The agreement sets out minimum standards for working conditions, such as hours of work, rest periods, and breaks. It also establishes wage and benefit packages that provide compensation for the skills, knowledge, and expertise that nurses bring to their work.

What are the key elements of the ONCA?

The ONCA covers a wide range of issues related to nursing employment, including:

1. Wages: The ONCA sets out the minimum wage rates for each category of nursing position, taking into account experience and education levels.

2. Benefits: The ONCA provides for a comprehensive package of benefits, including health, dental, and vision care, as well as sick leave, disability insurance, and life insurance.

3. Hours of work: The ONCA establishes standard hours of work, overtime pay, and provisions for shift work, as well as rest periods and breaks.

4. Job security: The ONCA protects nurses from arbitrary dismissal and ensures that employers follow fair processes in cases of discipline or termination.

5. Professional development: The ONCA provides for training and education opportunities for nurses that help them maintain and enhance their skills and knowledge.

How is the ONCA negotiated?

The ONA negotiates the ONCA on behalf of its members, who are nurses working in Ontario healthcare organizations. The negotiations take place on a regular basis, typically every two or three years, and involve a bargaining process in which the ONA and the employers involved exchange proposals and counter-proposals until an agreement is reached.


The Ontario Nursing Collective Agreement is an essential tool for ensuring fair treatment and compensation for nurses in Ontario. As the frontline workers in the healthcare system, nurses deserve to be treated with respect and provided with the support and resources they need to provide the best possible care to their patients. The ONCA helps to ensure that these standards are met and that nurses can continue to serve their communities with dedication and professionalism.